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联系人:Silon 先生 (市场部主管)
电 话:0592-5522220
手 机:18959246292


OK Compost认证或VINCOTTE认证


    OK compost – SINCE 1995

Vinçotte is faced with fresh challenges day after day. As an example, a Flemish environmental protection agency decided in the early 1990s to float the idea of using compostable bags to collect organic waste. As there were so many suppliers all saying they were able to provide compostable bags, Vinçotte was called in to check how true the compostability claims were. Adopting a proactive attitude towards the assignment, Vinçotte discovered a new need, developing the OK compost certification programme in the light of consultations held with specialists in various disciplines. Consequently, Vinçotte was well ahead of any other developments in the sector.

EN 13432 – SINCE 2000

Vinçotte pays constant attention to the CEN during the development of the European standards. Hence it also kept abreast of the process for developing a European standard for compostable packaging (EN 13432). Under this heading, the OK compost certification was consistent with EN 13432 as soon as it was adopted in 2000. All OK compost certified products are therefore completely in step with the requirements of the European standard EN 13432.

OK biodegradable SOIL – SINCE 2000

OK compost HOME – SINCE 2003

OK biodegradable WATER – SINCE 2005

OK compost is a guarantee of compostability in an industrial composting plant. But what about guaranties for home compostable products? Or products that can decompose in earth or water? Vinçotte's OK environment product verification marks are the only ones of their kind to offer a customised certification label for each biodegradation environment. These labels both consistently complement each and are extendible.

OK biobased - News as of september 2009

Vinçotte's specialists have not been idle: via the new and unique "OK biobased" certification system, innovative manufacturers can have their declarations regarding the use of renewable raw materials officially confirmed by an independentt "OK biobased" certification.

Silon 先生 (市场部主管)  
电  话: 0592-5522220
传  真: 0592-5596933
移动电话: 18959246292
公司地址: 中国福建厦门市思明区嘉禾路297-2号
邮  编: 361006
公司主页: http://xmcert.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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厦门博测商务服务有限公司 公司地址:中国福建厦门市思明区嘉禾路297-2号
Silon 先生 (市场部主管) 电话:0592-5522220 传真:0592-5596933
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